Climate Change - Rise of Forest Fires

Thu, 21/04/2022 - 17:12

According to a study by CEEW India, hot temperatures, low humidity & increased dry spells because of #ClimatChange has caused #ForestFires in #India to rise 10 fold between 2000 to 2019. Climate-proofing forests is the need of the hour. We need long-term mitigation and adaptation policies that will include smart technologies to curtail losses from forest fires. In the short term, we need robust disaster management plans, risk assessment, and forest-fire only alert systems. #ClimateChange #SaveOurForests 

Climate Change - Impact on Pregnant Women

Thu, 24/03/2022 - 14:37

As global temperatures and emissions rise, so does the impact of climate change especially on the health of pregnant women and developing foetuses. In a study by JAMA Network Open, air pollutants have the ability to go deep into a mother's lungs, threatening her pulmonary health.

#ClimateChange #Environment #Earth #Green #GlobalWarming #ClimateActionNow #Deforestation #ClimateCrisis #GreenNewDeal #BuildBackBetter #ActForEarth#ClimateCrisis #SaveEarth #ActNow

Climate Change - Impact on Earth's Hydrological Cycle

Thu, 17/03/2022 - 19:06

According to a recent Nature research paper, #ClimateChange has intensified the global water cycle by up to 7.4% when compared with previous modelling estimates of 2% to 4%. This will pose a serious challenge to global ecosystems & humanity #Climate #Environment #GlobalWarming #ClimateActionNow #GreenNewDeal #BuildBackBetter #ActForEarth#ClimateCrisis #SaveEarth #ActNow