Climate change - Impact on fish harmones
#ClimateChange induced stress is altering fish hormones leading to huge repercussions for their reproduction. In fact, female fish exposed to high temperatures are found to develop testes instead of ovaries.
#ClimateChange induced stress is altering fish hormones leading to huge repercussions for their reproduction. In fact, female fish exposed to high temperatures are found to develop testes instead of ovaries.
According to an analysis of 70 studies published in The BMJ, for every 1° C in temperature rise, stillbirths and premature deliveries increase by about 5 %, indicating urgent need for concrete policies to tackle this. #ActOnClimate
Modern societies have evolved sophisticated mechanisms to resolve challenges that could potentially disrupt our lifestyles or jeopardise lives. Of all the challenges that humanity faces (or has faced), climate change is perhaps the most unsettling existential crisis.
As per a report published in Nature, only 1% of amphibian species faced Climate Change as their primary threat between 1980 & 2004. However, after 2004, this figure jumped to 39% due to the escalating impact of climate change, raising significant concerns.
The amount of ice lost in the Swiss glaciers in the past two years is equivalent to what was lost over the entire three decades from 1960 to 1990. In these two years, the glaciers have lost nearly 10% of their total ice. #ClimateChange #ActNow
Transitioning to non-fossil fuel based forms of energy and transport are key in reducing emissions. This edition of St(o)ppwatch brings you news on climate justice, EVs, the public health crisis arising from the climate crisis and much more!
According to Study Finds Org, 70% of respondents are open to changing their travel duration due to #ClimateChange by 2060, with some considering adjusting their trip timing. This will significantly impact the tourism and travel industry in the decades to come.
As per Ohio State research, #ClimateChange contributes to a surge in child, early & forced marriages. Child marriage is often seen as a coping strategy to reduce economic vulnerability & food insecurity that a family in low and middle-income countries is facing because of a disaster.
In recent times, the global conversation surrounding climate change has intensified, highlighting the urgency to address the environmental challenges we face. One crucial aspect often overlooked in this discourse is the significant role of cuisine and food choices in contributing to climate change. With India, being renowned for its rich culinary heritage, it is imperative that we acknowledge the significant role our food choices play in shaping the future of our planet.
Over 24% of sandy coasts globally are experiencing persistent net erosion because of #ClimateChange . We need to protect these beaches as they play a vital role in stabilising the land, reducing erosion rates, providing ecosystem services & maintaining biodiversity.