
Fri, 11/06/2021 - 17:35

- By Mala Balaji, Researcher - Environment & Climate Action, CAG The world is moving at a progressive pace. In the past decade, India, in particular, has advanced leaps and bounds in the areas of science, industry and technology. It is considered as one of the world's fastest growing major economies

Wed, 26/05/2021 - 17:33

- By Aakanksha Tiwari, Researcher - Environment and Climate Action Coal based power plants, which produce three-quarters of India's electricity, are among the most inefficient, water intensive and polluting in the world. The dependence on coal for powering its energy needs is increasing the health

Wed, 19/05/2021 - 17:31

- By Mala Balaji, Researcher - Environment & Climate Action, CAG On World Earth Day, the 21st of April 2021, forty world leaders convened for a virtual climate summit. It was hosted by the President of the United States Joe Biden to address the global climate crisis and set a stage for the

Wed, 28/04/2021 - 15:37

Climate Change denialism has become the new age fad. Who is responsible for denying climate science and spreading disinformation? Is there a vested interest behind this strategy? This is an attempt to demystify the falsely propagated junk science in layman terms. By Mala Balaji, Researcher -

Mon, 26/04/2021 - 00:32

Climate change is the product of billions of acts of daily consumption. While the system-level changes are gaining much traction, the one solution that is often neglected is the individual behaviour. Let’s see what factors influence the behaviours of individuals’ to lead a sustainable lifestyle. By

Fri, 15/01/2021 - 11:26

Mala Balaji, Researcher, CAG “We basically have three choices, Mitigation, Adaptation and Suffering. The question is, what the mix is going to be. The more mitigation we do, the less adaptation will be required and less suffering there will be.” -John Holdren, President/ science advisor, Harvard

Sat, 10/10/2020 - 17:51

By Aakanksha Tiwari, Researcher - Environment and Climate Action Introduction Have you ever observed what is left when you burn any stuff? Mostly ash, right? Similarly, when coal is used for electricity generation in a thermal power plant, it produces Coal Combustion Residuals (CCRs) or coal ash

Tue, 15/09/2020 - 17:28

By Aakanksha Tiwari, Researcher-Environment and Climate Action In the late 1970s, the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) emerged in India for river valley projects. Later, in the first EIA notification published in 1994, industries requiring prior environmental clearance were categorised as red

Thu, 10/09/2020 - 17:58

By Aakanksha Tiwari, Researcher-Environment and Climate Action Introduction As the name suggests, carbon capture utilisation and storage (CCUS) involves capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the coal-fired power plants or carbon-intensive industries and then make use of CO2 (CCU) and pumping

Wed, 15/07/2020 - 17:20

By Aakanksha Tiwari, Researcher-Environment and Climate Action Ancient India had few environmental regulations that can be read in Kautilya’s ‘Arthashastra’ and on the fifth pillar edict of Emperor Ashoka. In the era before Indian independence in 1947, though there were no laws, there were cultural

Wed, 01/07/2020 - 23:32

By Niraj Bhatt, Researcher - Environment and Climate Change As the COVID-19 pandemic ravages populations worldwide with no end in sight, economies are now trying to limp back to normal. With the revival in economic activity, the gains in air quality that cities have seen will evaporate in the thick

Mon, 15/06/2020 - 16:37

-By Niraj Bhatt, Researcher - Environment and Climate Change On June 18, the Prime Minister launched the auction of 41 coal blocks for commercial mining with no end-use or pricing restriction, giving a free hand to private players from India and abroad to come and plunder natural resources for the