Air Pollution

Smoky Bhogi in Chennai

Tue, 14/01/2020 - 11:29

As I woke up this morning, the smell of air reminded me of a morning in Delhi. What was it in Chennai’s air that made my sleepy mind think of Delhi as I woke up? The smell was familiar, and I remembered having experienced it at the same time last year in Chennai. I peeped out of my bedroom window and saw the streets filled with smoke. I grabbed my mobile and the portable air quality monitor, and I ran to the terrace.

Letter requesting inclusion of Chennai in National Clean Air Programme non-attainment cities list

Thu, 28/11/2019 - 00:00

Letter to NGT requesting inclusion of Chennai in National Clean Air Programme non-attainment cities. Chennai is the only major polluted city and one of the 12 cities with a population of more than a million to be left out of the non-attainment cities list. Not being on this list leaves Chennai out of the national discourse on air pollution and its mitigation.